Wednesday, March 21, 2018

More of Denise’s favorite reads

In my last blog, I shared some of my favorite reads with you. Here are several more. Some of them have Christmas themes, but others don’t. If you want to hear a wholesome story with depth, humor, heartache, and human soul, these are for you. You can find them all at Here’s the list:

The Bachelor Prince, by Debbie Macomber

Twelve Days of Christmas, by Debbie Macomber

A Bramble House Christmas, by C.J. Carmichael

Moonlight over Manhattan, by Sarah Morgan

Merry and Bright, by Debbie Macomber

The Ladies’ Room, by Carolyn Brown

The Strawberry Hearts Diner, by Carolyn Brown

The Mistletoe Inn, by Richard Paul Evans

The Christmas List, by Richard Paul Evans

Denise’s favorite reads

Good morning. A couple of days ago, I took pictures showing that Spring was on its way:


Here are a couple of pictures from our first day of Spring yesterday in Kentucky:

Several school closings are already posted today. If you have lived in Kentucky or the tri-state area for any amount of time, this weather is no surprise to you. Don’t worry, the spring weather truly is just around the corner. 

Since today is a good reading day for those of us inside, I wanted to share with you some books I’ve enjoyed reading. I tend to lean toward a good story line with a sweet love story intermixed. I like romance, but I can do without the smut that enters so many books. Here are a few of Denise’s good reads. You can also purchase these as audiobooks (which is my preferred venue, since I have a two-hour commute to and from work). A few of these stories are centered around Christmas, but if you don’t mind reading off-season, I’m sure you’ll love them. 

Friday, March 9, 2018

Spring forward

Can you believe we're already past the first week of March? Although the temperature this morning is 23 degrees, with a high of only 47 degrees today, I can see hints of Spring's arrival.  So, as the first day of Spring approaches, I can't help but feel hopeful.  As much as I appreciate every season God has given us, I especially look forward to Spring.  After the stale, cold days of winter, I love to step out into the freshness of each Spring morning.  

Spring brings our senses alive: the smell of fresh air, the sight of flowers blooming and green grass, and the sound of birds chirping their sweet songs. All of nature is waking up offering renewal and hope.  

Isaiah 40:31 says, "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

I remind myself that Spring is one of the ways that God renews all of creation.  I'm thankful for the hope we have in Him, and I'm grateful that He shares such beauty with us.  Please take the time to enjoy the beauty of Spring and the fresh start it offers.  God offers us hope in many ways.  Don't forget to "Spring Forward" this Sunday, 3/11/18, by setting your clocks ahead one hour. Have a great weekend!

Saturday, March 3, 2018


     My husband and I started homeschooling our second grade daughter a month ago. She had been enrolled in the same private school since kindergarten, and although we loved the school and the teachers, we wanted to spend more time with her.
Teaching new concepts to “the class”
   Mark works a night shift schedule as a Peds ER nurse, and I work several 24-hour shifts a month as an OB Hospitalist. He and I were both finding it difficult to find quality time to spend with our daughter because of our sleep schedules. Most of our parenting was revolving around evenings and homework.
     Aside from the safety issues in schools, and the fact that we wanted to spend quality time with her, we also wanted to be present as parents. Homeschool seemed to be the most logical solution to these issues.
     We have adopted a 4-day school week which extends our school year into the first week of July this year. If we keep this same schedule for third grade, we will do year-round school. That may not sound palatable, but it works out great. Our every day curriculum starts at 8:30am and usually ends by 1:30pm. The same structure is used every day:

0830 Bible (Lesson, prayer, Bible Verse, tests)
0900 Spelling (Writing words, worksheets, tests)
0930 Arithmetic (Lesson, review, doing problems on the board, worksheets, flash cards, games, tests)
1030 Lunch
1100 Letters and Sounds (Phonics lessons, worksheets, tests)
1130 Language (Lesson, worksheets, tests)
1200 Writing (Cursive Lesson, practice worksheets, journal writing)
1230 Snack/break
1245 Reading (Carpet time, reading from reader)
0115 Science/Social Studies/Music/Art/Health & Safety (rotate these weekly)

Some days we are finished earlier. Those days we have the option for a trip to the library, the science center, Barnes & Noble, or any desired field trip. This week we planted a “fairy garden” and learned about plants. We are starting to see the sprouts come up already. We have several science experiments planned, and we are gearing up for some fun art projects.
     I’ll be honest.  When we first started this, I worried. Would she get the proper education without getting behind? Everyone worries about socializing their child when homeschooling. Would she end up not liking it? Would Mark and I be too tired to maintain a school and the required structure?
     Since we pulled her out of traditional school mid-year, I’ve been able to keep in touch with her teacher to know what milestones she should be achieving. We are blessed because our daughter loves to learn. We are using the Abeka curriculum with a few substitutions. The curriculum gives you a daily work schedule that is quite honestly too aggressive. Despite the fact that we’ve slowed things down a bit, we are still ahead of schedule and having a fun time learning.
     As for socializing, our daughter takes swim lessons every week with a friend. We have planned tennis clinics. She spends time with her cousins as often as possible, and we have play dates with friends her age. We don’t have a regular homeschool group at this time, but we don’t seem to be needing one.
     Our daughter has “adopted” several baby dolls that she considers to be her children. Every day at school, she is allowed to bring two dolls to class as fellow students. They even have their own desks. They participate in class by asking questions, solving problems, and getting in trouble (I am their voices and personalities). This approach allows our daughter to take a teaching role every day. She likes to go up to the board and show them how to solve math problems, or how to write a word in cursive, or how to spell a word.
    This week after school we even had a spelling bee for her dolls. Our daughter made up the words herself. Homeschooling our daughter has been a little challenging, but it’s been so worth it. We love seeing her learn a new concept and be excited about it. We just love being with her, teaching her, and helping to shape her into the person God wants her to become. If you are considering homeschool for your child/children, be sure to look up your state’s laws for homeschooling. There are many more specifics I can help you with if you’re interested (attendance records, grading, work portfolio, etc). We plan to homeschool until middle school. We will reassess putting her back in private school at that time.

Monday, February 26, 2018


Hi Friends,

Happy March! There are many days I find that the news is not an uplifting part of my day.  The negativity in our world can sometimes become overwhelming.  Today, I wanted to share some of my good stories that offer hope and a smile.  I hope you'll share a story or two with me as well.


As many of you know, my mom and I have both survived breast cancer.  I'm 18 years out from my diagnosis, and my mom, with more advanced disease, has been with us since her diagnosis in October 2016. She is doing great, and each day that I get to see her and spend with her is a blessing.


My friend, Barbie, has survived two primary breast cancers. She is incredibly courageous.  She is a BRCA carrier, and her battle has been rough. She is more than a survivor, though, and God has blessed her. She is doing great! The woman is fearless and all "sass," and I just love her!

This is a picture of me with my daughter a couple of years ago at Christmas.  My husband and I were blessed to be able to adopt her eight years ago.  She has brought so much joy to us.  I'm thankful to her biological parents for having the courage to adopt her out. God has been gracious to us.

This is my dear friend  from medical school, who lost her husband to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in February 2015.  It was such a heartbreaking time, and she battled her loss and her grief with perseverance and determination.  Today, she is engaged to marry another wonderful man! She is with my daughter in the first picture in 2015.  The second picture is more recent, after she became engaged.


This little guy, Bryce, was born prematurely at 23 weeks.  His life is a miracle and still is.  He will be 5 years old this March.

This beautiful young lady is my stepdaughter.  She was just accepted at Boise State.  So proud of her!

This silly, young man with my husband is my nephew.  He came to live with us a year ago, and he has been a blessing to our family.

This is my dad. A few years ago, at the age of 70, he fell 25 feet from a roof while building his house (hobby). He broke several ribs, punctured his lung, and told me how he had started to feel the peace of entering heaven. It wasn’t his time to see God, yet. He was only in the hospital for a few days. He healed completely and was back to building in a short time.


This is Zoey, our dog, with my daughter.  We adopted Zoey into our home 2 years ago.  She was a rescue dog.  She is still as sweet as she looks.  So is my daughter :)

I hope these stories bring you a little joy today. Have a great day!  Please post and share your stories with me!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

For your safety...

Greetings Friends,
I wanted to share with you something that recently happened in a public place that scared me and my daughter.  I hope that by sharing this, you will be more cautious when you are out and about.

My daughter and I were at the Evansville Target about two weeks ago.  It was around 4pm and we had just gone through the toy section to pick out one item.  We were in the check out lane behind two other people.  I didn't notice anything strange at first. I paid for the toy without incident, and while waiting for the lady to put the toy in a bag, I noticed a guy standing over by the carts at the entrance/exit.  

At first, I saw a woman and a boy near the carts, so I thought he was with them and was getting a cart for the three of them.  Then I noticed he was not with them, and he was "straightening up" the carts.  So then, I thought, "he must work here."

As my daughter and I walked to the exit, I could see him out of the corner of my eye.  He wasn't wearing Target employee attire, and as soon as we walked past him, he followed us.  As I was walking through the exit doors holding my daughter's hand, I was very aware of his presence behind us.  My big purse was on my outer arm, and I thought for sure he was going to steal my purse or maybe something worse.

My heart was racing, and I knew something was up.  On the sidewalk outside the exit, no one was around.  I quickly decided to say out loud to my daughter, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot that," and then I proceeded to make a direct U-turn back into the store.  From the corner of my eye, I could see that he paused, as if he wasn't expecting that.  Then he turned and walked toward a white SUV with dark windows.  

My daughter and I waited inside the store near the carts at the entrance, hiding.  I waited to see what he would do.  He sat there for awhile.  As I started to think I needed to talk to the store security officer, the guy drove off.  I should have reported him.  He hadn't purchased anything.  He wasn't carrying bags.  He had been waiting at the exit, loitering.

Several  years ago, my husband ran after a guy and tackled him after he stole a woman's purse.  This was at the Target at Tinseltown in Louisville.  The lady was lucky, since my husband was fast and has a black belt in Jiu Jitsu. He was able to take the guy down and subdue him until the police arrived.

Moms, be aware of your kids and your belongings at all times.  I've heard too many similar stories like my own lately.  

Monday, February 19, 2018

Improved results with ketogenic diet and Pruvit keto supplement

Hi everybody! I wanted to give you some follow up on my ketogenic diet and Pruvit KETO//OS supplement. In September of last year, I had a lipid profile done along with a hemoglobin A1C. As you may know, a lipid profile tells you about your cholesterol and triglycerides. If they are high, then you are at increased risk for heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

At the end of September, I started a ketogenic diet, Pruvit KETO//OS supplement at least once a day (sometimes twice), KREME coffee supplement (adds fat and vitamin B12), and yoga two to three times a week. I wanted to lose a little weight (I was 132lbs), and I didn’t want to have to take cholesterol-reducing medication (my internist threatened me with it).

So I reduced my carb intake to less than 50 carbs/day (most days) and took the supplements and exercised moderately (some days only stretches). Here are my results as of 1/23/18, four months later:

Total Cholesterol went from 206 to 219. Normal is 0-200. Yep, it went up, but I’ll explain why that doesn’t matter in a minute. My triglycerides went from 130 to 84!

My HDL (good cholesterol) went from 58 to 87. This is the protective cholesterol. You want this number to be high. This number is the one that boosted my total cholesterol. 

My LDL (bad cholesterol) went from 122 to 115. 

My overall cholesterol number improved significantly from an LDL/HDL ratio of 2.1 down to 1.32. The lower the better, and optimal is less than 3.5.  A higher number means a higher risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. 

In addition, my diabetes risk dropped, since I dropped the sugar/carbs. My hemoglobin A1C went from 5.19 to 4.9 (normal is 4.8 to 5.6). 

My weight has stayed between 124lbs and 126lbs. Keep in mind that I’ve only been at this change in lifestyle for FOUR MONTHS!! I plan to stay with it, and stay healthy. My husband has also joined me on this diet and supplement for weight loss around his middle. He is a cyclist, and as Spring approaches every year, he cringes at the thought of trying to burn his winter belly fat to get down to a more comfortable riding weight. In only two weeks, he had lost 20lbs. Don’t tell him, but that quick weight loss irritated me a bit! How do men do that, right? But he sure looks good!



The first picture was taken in August last year. I was 132lbs and he was 230lbs. The picture at the top of this post was of me a few days ago. This second picture of my husband was a week ago. We are both very pleased with our results. Our favorite KETO//OS drink is the raspberry lemonade. My husband also drinks the orange dream flavor. It contains fat and helps to curb his appetite. Every morning, we both put the KREME supplement in our coffee. It’s delicious and contains vitamin B12. By the way, my vitamin B12 level was great when I had my blood work done in January. 

It’s definitely possible to improve your health with the ketogenic diet alone, but it’s really hard to eat less than 20 carbs/day and get proper electrolytes and vitamins. We are loving this supplement and how it complements our lifestyle. The numbers don’t lie. I thought you might want to know. 

For more info on Pruvit supplements, go to

New Novel Coming Soon

  NEW NOVEL COMING SOON NEVER GONE Denise Janette Bruneau  25-year-old Ellie Beaufort moves home to Guntersville, Alabama to live with her f...