Friday, May 18, 2018

Coming Soon - Lavender Sky

Lavender Sky
A novel by Denise Janette Bruneau

Dr. Delaney Bartlett holds onto a painful secret from her past. As an obstetrician, she experiences the joy of bringing life into the world, and she loves her career. As a woman, her secret holds her happiness in bondage and she wonders if she will ever have her own family.  After her fiancĂ© of four years breaks off their engagement, Delaney moves away to the small town of Guntersville, Alabama to make a fresh start.

Ben Montgomery is the handsome surgery manager at the local hospital. He is haunted by memories that leave his heart aching every day. He thought his move to Guntersville might help him escape his painful memories and feelings of loss. But even a few years after his move, he finds himself spiraling downward emotionally. 

Savannah Carter is a young woman who faces a difficult choice. She needs help and has no resources. She is scared and unsure of what she should do, and she is quickly losing hope. 

When God crosses the paths of these three people, miracles happen. The pain doesn’t disappear, but each one finds unexpected kindness, love, and support. Through these new relationships, each one comes to understand God’s love, His redemptive power, and the hope He offers.

Christian Faith Publishing

New KETO//OS flavors

Most of you who follow my blog know that I follow a ketogenic diet.  I started eating ketogenic last September when I wanted to reduce my migraines, eat healthier, improve my cholesterol, and lose weight.  A few blogs back, I posted my great results after eating ketogenic for only four months.

During this time, I have also used the Pruvit ketogenic supplement to help replace lost sodium, potassium, minerals, and vitamins as I eat ketogenic.  I wanted to let you know that two new flavors are advertised on the Pruvit website. The Splash flavor reminds me of a mild pineapple flavor, and the Heart Tart flavor reminds me of a sweet tart (but not too sweet or too tart).  These are my two favorite flavors, and they really are delicious.

Here is the website, if you're interested:

Friday, May 4, 2018


Happy May! This photograph is from my backyard a few days ago. I love Spring!

I have found myself struggling with waiting, as of late. I don’t know if I’m tired, or my patience is running thin, or maybe I’m just used to the speed of technology making me feel like everything and everyone else should move faster. Even the most minor things, like slow traffic or delayed drive-thru lines or snail-pace grocery lines, frustrate me.

It’s easy to fall into a productivity trap, where I feel like I have to be constantly moving and accomplishing something. Most of my days are filled with a long to-do list. Things like, morning Bible devotional, work, home-school, tennis lessons for my daughter, exercise, groceries, dinner, writing, and bed-time stories are part of my every day. However, instead of enjoying most of those things, I’m in a big hurry to mark them off my list. Just reading this article is exhausting!

I went to my Bible and pulled some verses to help remind me that God purposely created the dimension of time. He didn’t mean for us to accomplish all things in a day. He actually wants us to sit back sometimes and just rest.  I have to remind myself about how He rested on the seventh day of creation.  Genesis 2:2-3 says, “By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so He rested from all His work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.”

Sometimes, we have to wait on Him. I’m reminding myself that right now. I can try with all of my might and strength to make some things happen, but in the end, I’m left with my wheels spinning and I feel frustrated. That’s when God has to gently sit me down and say, “Rest, wait for me, I have good things planned for you. You just need to wait.” Exodus 14:14 says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Here are some more verses about waiting, in case you, too, have my syndrome:

I wait for the Lord more than watchman wait for the morning.—Psalm 130:6

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.—Psalm 27:4

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.—Psalm 130:5

Moses said, “Wait until I find out what the Lord commands concerning you.”—Numbers 9:8

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.—Psalm 33:20

Lord, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God.—Psalm 38:15

I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefor I will wait for him.”—Lamentations 3:24

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.—Psalm 5:3

And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.—Hebrews 6:15

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.—James 5:7

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Happy Easter

Good morning. Happy Easter!

Jesus has risen, and because of Him, we have hope for eternal life with our Heavenly Father. That’s so awesome to know when we’re surrounded by the chaos of this world.

The verse I am sharing with you today is one that is dear to me. I’ve definitely written this one on my heart, and I access its promise over and over.

Have you ever been in a situation where you weren’t sure what to ask God for? I’ve been there many times: at the bedside of a sick friend or family member, during a crisis at work, during financial difficulties, during times of extreme fatigue, when I wasn’t sure I could continue on the same path that I was traveling on, when my strength was failing, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, when I didn’t know which road to travel….

The list goes on and on. I would guess that life has brought you many similar situations. Perhaps, you wondered about a promotion, or when that pregnancy test would be positive, or when you wouldn’t miscarry again, or if that adoption would go through, or if your marriage would survive. There are so many difficulties we face in this life. The thing is, we know to expect them.

Jesus told us in John 16:33, “….In this world, you will have trouble….”

It’s taken me a long time to really get that. When these troubles come along, I sometimes find myself not knowing what to do. I pray, but I’m not sure what to ask for. I just know I need help, and I usually need it fast.

Though it’s taken me years to understand, I’ve discovered one of God’s many gifts to us. As the verse above says, “the Spirit himself intercedes for us.” Not only does he go to God for us, but he intercedes “with wordless groans.” That’s an amazing picture in my mind. The Holy Spirit takes our pain, our yearnings, and our needs and translates those emotions of the heart to our Heavenly Father. That image of the Holy Spirit is yet another way that God demonstrates His beautiful love for us.

Next time you find yourself in a bind, and you’re hurting, afraid, or worried, take those emotions to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for you to pray for what you need. God always comes through for us in His timing and in His way. We just have to ask. Having the Holy Spirit go to God for us is an incredible gift!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

More of Denise’s favorite reads

In my last blog, I shared some of my favorite reads with you. Here are several more. Some of them have Christmas themes, but others don’t. If you want to hear a wholesome story with depth, humor, heartache, and human soul, these are for you. You can find them all at Here’s the list:

The Bachelor Prince, by Debbie Macomber

Twelve Days of Christmas, by Debbie Macomber

A Bramble House Christmas, by C.J. Carmichael

Moonlight over Manhattan, by Sarah Morgan

Merry and Bright, by Debbie Macomber

The Ladies’ Room, by Carolyn Brown

The Strawberry Hearts Diner, by Carolyn Brown

The Mistletoe Inn, by Richard Paul Evans

The Christmas List, by Richard Paul Evans

Denise’s favorite reads

Good morning. A couple of days ago, I took pictures showing that Spring was on its way:


Here are a couple of pictures from our first day of Spring yesterday in Kentucky:

Several school closings are already posted today. If you have lived in Kentucky or the tri-state area for any amount of time, this weather is no surprise to you. Don’t worry, the spring weather truly is just around the corner. 

Since today is a good reading day for those of us inside, I wanted to share with you some books I’ve enjoyed reading. I tend to lean toward a good story line with a sweet love story intermixed. I like romance, but I can do without the smut that enters so many books. Here are a few of Denise’s good reads. You can also purchase these as audiobooks (which is my preferred venue, since I have a two-hour commute to and from work). A few of these stories are centered around Christmas, but if you don’t mind reading off-season, I’m sure you’ll love them. 

Friday, March 9, 2018

Spring forward

Can you believe we're already past the first week of March? Although the temperature this morning is 23 degrees, with a high of only 47 degrees today, I can see hints of Spring's arrival.  So, as the first day of Spring approaches, I can't help but feel hopeful.  As much as I appreciate every season God has given us, I especially look forward to Spring.  After the stale, cold days of winter, I love to step out into the freshness of each Spring morning.  

Spring brings our senses alive: the smell of fresh air, the sight of flowers blooming and green grass, and the sound of birds chirping their sweet songs. All of nature is waking up offering renewal and hope.  

Isaiah 40:31 says, "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

I remind myself that Spring is one of the ways that God renews all of creation.  I'm thankful for the hope we have in Him, and I'm grateful that He shares such beauty with us.  Please take the time to enjoy the beauty of Spring and the fresh start it offers.  God offers us hope in many ways.  Don't forget to "Spring Forward" this Sunday, 3/11/18, by setting your clocks ahead one hour. Have a great weekend!

New Novel Coming Soon

  NEW NOVEL COMING SOON NEVER GONE Denise Janette Bruneau  25-year-old Ellie Beaufort moves home to Guntersville, Alabama to live with her f...