Monday, October 2, 2023

Writing buddies

 I sat out on my back deck tonight as I worked on my newest novel, Never Gone. This story is slowly unfolding in my mind as one of choices removed, regrets, loss, and then connection and forgiveness.  I’ve thrown a little mystery in there as well to add to the storyline. I can’t say more now, but maybe these two can. They are my writing buddies❤️

If Charlie and Gracie won’t tell you anything, I look forward to sharing more with you soon about Never Gone.  You’ll love this story!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Lavender Sky trivia! Play to enter for a chance to win!



Play Lavender Sky trivia now. Answer all five questions right, and you’ll be entered to win one of the two prizes above. There will be two winners. Send your answers to me through the contact form here on my blog site or you can PM me on FB/Instagram. I will let you know if you answered all five questions right after you send me your answers. Contest ends September 30. Winners will be chosen then. Choose wisely!

1. What nickname did Delaney give to the hot ER doctor?

A) Doc Hollywood

B) Doc Hottie

C) Doc Sapphire

D) Doc Smokin’

2. Ben is particular about which drink?

A) Mountain Dew

B) Coke

C) Iced tea

D) French press coffee

3. Which agency got involved with Finn’s case?




D) Immigration

4. Ben saves Delaney from what?

A) Drowning

B) Fire

C) Car accident

D) A fall

5. Delaney fails at installing something because she is too emotionally distraught to focus. Ben comes along and comforts her by taking her into his arms. Then he completes the installation for her. What does he install?

A) Fuse

B) Vacuum filter

C) Car seat 

D) Refrigerator light

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Small faith


The mustard seed is very tiny. In fact, it measures only 1 to 2 millimeters.  Here it is pictured in a child’s hand:

In Matthew 17:20b, Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

I always thought I needed big faith to accomplish God’s will and His plans for my life. But really, what He’s telling us here is that we just need a little faith, even the faith the size of a mustard seed, and nothing will be impossible for us. However, our faith is not in our faith, but in our God. God wants to do limitless great things through us. We are not adequate in ourselves, but our adequacy is in God.

God wants to do great things through you. All you need is faith in Him—even small faith.

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20

Have a great day!😊



Every year, my girlfriends, Jen and Katy, that I went to medical school with, meet me in Florida, and we spend at least four days together reminiscing and catching up. Some years, we bring our families, but this year, it was just the girls. We met recently and had a blast!

From our welcome to the hotel, to our spa services, to our pool time, to nature walks, and to dinners, we had a wonderful time together. 


We were able to spend needed quality time together away from our busy medical schedules, just resting, talking, and hanging out. It was sheer joy! Not only that, but I was able to see friends in Florida I enjoy catching up with at the hotel. I’m so blessed with such wonderful friendships. Can’t wait for next year! I truly have the best friends, and I thank God for them all!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023



September 9 marks 24 years of survival for me and 7 years of survival for my mom from breast cancer. My husband and daughter took me out to dinner to celebrate the life God has granted me beyond the age of 30.  Isn’t He awesome? I’ve been so blessed, and I’m so grateful for his mercy.

We enjoyed a yummy dinner at Ruth Chris and lots of laughs. The restaurant treated me to a sweet dessert with a wonderful message. 

I’m so thankful for my loving husband and sweet and silly teenager. They keep me laughing!

Yesterday, I was able to celebrate with my mom over lunch and grocery shopping. We were living large!  Celebrate each day and be thankful!

When God feels far away

  Life’s daily distractions can crowd out the feeling of God’s presence and drown out the sound of His voice. Perhaps, you can relate to thi...