Thursday, February 7, 2019

Life is precious

My little girl lies beside me sleeping peacefully. Her curly locks tickle my nose as she moves to rest her head on my shoulder. She awakens enough to yawn and wrap her arms around my arm. She whispers in her sweet, gentle voice, “I love you, Mommy.” Then she is asleep again, as I hear the steady sound of her little breath. My heart is full. I think about how blessed I am to be a mommy, to have this little person love and need me so much. I can’t imagine loving another person more. I would do or give anything to protect her and keep her safe. God created this mother-child relationship this way for a purpose. Moms nurture and care for their children from the moment of conception. That child becomes a person from the moment the genetic material from both parents interacts and cells begin to divide and multiply. Mom’s body starts to change immediately as it nurtures this growing person. Mom is no longer alone; she shares her body with another who is dependent on her love and care well into adulthood and the child’s independence. She prepares a room for this little one and buys all the things a baby needs. Her life will change forever to include joy beyond measure. What a beautiful relationship God has given us!

My daughter is adopted. I am thankful that her birth mom did not choose to abort her, even though she had no resources or any idea how she would care for her. She chose the selfless decision to find a home for her unborn child. You see, she knew that it wasn’t this child’s choice to be brought into the world; it was her choice, planned or not. Her child’s life had begun at conception, and she knew it. She would give this child the love and care she deserved, because the child had a right to live.

I have to admit that I am not vocal about political platforms. I find the arguments from both sides to be exhausting, and it’s hard to see hate escalate. I cannot stay silent on one issue, though: women celebrating their abortions. My heart breaks at the thought of this, and my stomach turns. It is one thing to have a difference of opinion on an issue, but celebrating abortion? God must cry when He hears women utter these words of celebration about killing their own children. These women have carelessly and thoughtlessly jumped on a bandwagon of lies. They are working so hard to prove they can win this issue of the right to abort, that they’ve failed to examine their hearts.

I know many abortion survivors. They are called survivors because they are just that: surviving a heart-wrenching decision they once made and still regret. These women are sorrowful and heartbroken over their decision to abort. Their stories are many but are very similar. They were young, afraid, couldn’t talk to anyone, and sought council at an abortion clinic. The advice they received made them believe that abortion was the only way to solve their current problem of pregnancy. These women do not celebrate their choice. They realize that they were mommys, even if only for a few weeks. They find it hard to think about what they did, because they knowingly and willingly aborted their child. The thought brings tears of regret and sorrow every time. There is no celebration in the death of their children.

It is so sad to hear the stories of women celebrating their choice to abort. If they really understood the significance of what they had done, their hearts would be heavy with grief. The thing is, this issue of life will continue to exist. People will fight and argue over who is right, and hate will continue. The more important issue that pro-choice people have failed to understand or care about is that God is watching all of this. God will not be mocked. These people, with their smug faces, smiles of celebration, and right to choose have a bigger problem to worry about than what the rest of the world thinks. Some day they will have to stand alone before God and explain to Him why they aborted and celebrated and hated.

So I turn and gaze at my sleeping daughter. She is beautiful, and I love the sound of her little breath moving in and out of her little lungs. I remember the day I brought her home from the hospital and how her presence in my life has changed my heart. Every day, she adds something new and special to my memories. God knew what He was doing when He gave us the gift of motherhood. No matter how much hate is in the world, I will go on cherishing this little person and the love she gives me every day. And I will remind myself that God has already won all of the battles in the world. It’s just a matter of time.

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